The Ford hates it when this happens.
Then again, it's vaguely reassuring when real life resembles an Elisha Cuthbert movie.
If only it was "Old School."
The Official Blog of The Official Ford of The Official Bar of The Official Blog of The Ford. (Hooray redundancy!)
The Ford hates it when this happens.
A good day:
Things you didn't know about The Ford:
The Ford is neither an aspiring rapper, nor a would-be rap producer.
More evidence that Esquire, while generally being a fine magazine, was on crack when they tabbed Jessica Biel as the sexiest woman alive.
Yes, once the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. competed in the missile gap.
The Ford is all about The Sheed (also known as The Official Rasheed of The Official Blog of The Ford), now that he's made the long journey from Portland to Detroit, the long journey back to "covering" him on a daily basis. Of course, this Sheed is a kinder, gentler, more lovable Sheed. The same number of technical fouls, but it's all good when the team's got a couple of Eastern Conference titles.
The Ford wants a "Free Bob" T-shirt.
When do we get to start openly mocking countries?
A short story:
Part of the whole "blogging" experience, aside from stealing images, avoiding pop-up ads and obsessively looking for links, always looking, surfing, searching...aaaagh...what do you people want from The Ford?
Almost no phrase and its subsequent explanation has gotten The Ford into as much trouble in his life as "Reggie Cleveland All-Stars," coined by Bill Simmons.
Well, just for the heck of it, The Ford decided to see how overweight the Cleveland Indians are. He's sure there's some logical reason for this, one he thought of hours ago, but right now, he's pretty sure he's doing it just to get it done. (Oh, and to make him feel better about planning to never run without being either chasee or chaser. That too.)
The Ford has criticized Frank Robinson before.
Y'know, The Ford spends a lot of his time campaigning for the use of words as they were meant to be used.
More SUNshine girls, many of whom are equally, um ,attractive, as yesterday's batch.
He's not saying the crotch is driving the bus, but The Ford will be the first to admit that his brain usually doesn't get the first call on the blood in his body.
'Cause, really, if this photo is turning you on... gosh...
Oh, Canada.
Ottawa: "Tina recently spent a couple of weeks working on her tan in Costa Rica. "
Toronto: "Be careful what you say to SUNshine girl Lucy - her hobbies include martial arts. This brown-eyed Scorpio finds sincerity and a good sense of humour appealing in a mate. "
Winnipeg: "Single Melanie prefers a man with a sense of humour. This blue-eyed Aquarius enjoys walks with her dog Jake and sports like volleyball and hockey. "
Of course, Melanie was also Edmonton's SUNshine girl on Saturday. As they told us: Melanie's aiming to get a degree in political science. Maybe she can help make sense of what they're doing in Ottawa. "
Edmonton: "Sheri is a fun-loving lass who enjoys a variety of sports, hanging out with friends and playing the Sun's Beach Bingo. "
So, who's the hottest? Well, to The Ford's eyes, it's Winnipeg's Melanie, just ahead of Toronto's Lucy. Edmonton's Sheri comes in dead last in the competition. Tough luck, Sheri. Maybe your Oilers will do well in the playoffs.
Wait, what's that? They're playing the Wings? Oof. Maybe not.
Of course, Winnipeg's Melanie is also Edmonton's Melanie, so he supposes he can't entirely mock Edmonton for its lack of hotties.
He'll just have to relay on, y'know, its Edmonton-ness....
The most frustrating thing about watching your fantasy baseball team online on your day off? (Aside, from, naturally, realizing you're a HUUUUMONGOUS dork. But The Ford figured that out a while ago, so it's no biggie now.)
The Ford could be running right now.
Quick thoughts (No, really. Wait, why are you laughing? The Ford can write short. Honest. Just wait.)
Sitting in The Official Bar after work, The Ford was struck by how many of his companions/barmates were smoking.
Look, The Ford's not gonna lie. There are many things that make his penis say, "Hey!" and his brain say, "Nay!"
Some thoughts on the Tigers' game The Ford has just returned from:
Sigh. The Ford has seen the future, and it is this.
Nine innings of the Tigers home opener:
OK, considering how often The Ford sits in judgment on the rest of the world, he should be willing to submit himself to the same judgment on occasion.
The Ford knew the "casual encounters" section of Craigslist would, almost by defintion, consist of equal parts desperation and embarassment, but, um, wow.
Dear France:
This, of course, is the area The Ford walks through every night coming home from work.
Here at The Official Blog, there are two known facts:
It occurred to The Ford in one of his rare, rare visits to The Official Bar, that Fox Sports Net can, at times, be a spectaculary shitty network. Aside from its insistence that people want to wath "Best Damn Sports Show Period.", there's the question of what to show between that and actual games.
The Ford shouldn't laugh at "Detroit-in-ruins" jokes. And yet he does. Go figure.
New laptop, new music. At least, that's the plan for The Ford, as he subscribes to a major search engine's on-demand music service.
Oh yeah, the UPS guy arrived with The Official Computer of The Official Blog of The Ford today. Dude, I got a Dell.
Another day, another friend request on myspace by emily.
OK, now that you're all scarred from the implied position of Ms. Ryan's bosom, it's time to get down to business...
The good folks at FHM certainly figured it out, making this the only time in my life I'll respect FHM more than Esquire.
Esquire, you may remember, picked Jessica Biel as the sexiest woman in the world.
Jessica Biel? Really? Jessica. Biel. This still brings The Fury. Jessica Biel. For six months, The Ford waited, and he gets Jessica Biel. Not even in the top 3 of Jessicas, frankly. Here, now, are The Official Jessicas of The Official Blog of The Ford:
1: Jessica Alba.
2: Jessica Simpson.
3: Jessica Rabbit. (The Ford's bloggin' it old-school...)
'Nuff said...
Y'know, The Ford was willing to overlook the fact that EmilyTease was not really a friend of his when she sent him a friend request on myspace.
Sigh. Sometimes The Ford wishes he worked at a paper that covered the Rangers, just so he could write this headline about a Texas pitcher picking up the knuckleball:
Sad to say, but the most valuable function on The Ford's cell phone might be the calculator. There's just something cool about preemptively figuring out tips on however many beers you're planning on drinking. Or figuring out how much of your weekly budget goes toward beers, and how much goes to tipping the hot bartender.
Thoughts as The Ford does some late night refining of a baseball preview section...
Anna Benson's been semi-free for 24 hours, and she's yet to call. I'd be more bummed if I didn't know I can just hit on ex-strippers (and not-so-ex-ones) here. Hmm...The Ford now has plans for Saturday night.