This is a post for all the West Coast readers of The Official Blog.
Not that it's an attempt to start some sort of West Coast-East Coast-Midwest blog war, but really, if you're in the Midwest or on the East Coast, you're probably familiar with The Ford's activity Wednesday night: Killing hookers.
No, wait, actually it was just euchre.
The Ford always gets those mixed up.
In any event, The Offical Bar hosted its first Official Euchre Night, which, thanks to some mathematical rule, The Ford imagines to be The Official Euchre Night of The Official Blog of The Official Ford of The Official Bar of The Official Blog of The Ford.
Damn, synergy takes a lot of words sometimes.
In any event, after three weeks of admitting The Ford does not know how to play euchre, and hearing the question, "Well, have you played spades?", to which The Ford always answers, "Well, kinda," The Ford finally knows how to play euchre.
(Not so much spades, though. He vaguely remembers the rules, but prefers to block them out in favor of the rules of hearts. The Ford's a lover, don'cha'know?)
And how.
In his first euchre tournament, The Ford finished in a respectable tie for first place.
As The Ford occasionally says, any tournament you walk away from in first place is a good one.
Especially considering The Ford spent 20 minutes trying to convince The Official Seahawks Beat Writer that euchre does actually exist.
So that's something.
(Oh, and The Ford also played a pretty mean game of Golden Tee. But, heck, that's almost expected now, eh?)