As The Ford tries to forget that The Official Alma Mater TOTALLY Coug'd it against the Huskies (again), The Official NFL Team couldn't beat the freakin' Niners, and The Official Fantasy Teams went 0-8 this week, he's left with two things:
1.) He does not work at this paper...

2.) The Official High School's heading to the state semis in football, with an outside chance to face Centralia in the finals. Granted, it's not the rivalry The Ford enjoyed with Olympia and Capital back in the day, but, well, at least it's a team he actually played against. (granted, it was in soccer, but hey, a matchup's a matchup...)
Centralia's not beating Prosser this week. Sorry.
Also, the only saving grace this weekend was B.C. winning the Grey Cup. Dave Dickinson is a god among men in Vancouver tonight.
Yeah, I know. NO ONE beats Prosser. They've been the bane of Tumwater's existence since the beginning of time.
And really, Dave Dickinson has always been a god among men in Vancouver. (Why do you think I always had him run my Madden 02 franchise?)
The comments in this thread are about high school sports? C'mon now ...
Hey, some days you get scantily clad women, some days you get high school sports. And then, some days, you get both, man.
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