Sunday, December 03, 2006

On this, the crappiest of all college football Saturdays, The Ford's gonna talk...


No, really.

Actual NHL stuff and everything.

OK, semi-actual NHL stuff, since rather than recap the game The Ford caught this week featuring the local Russian Wings and The Official NHL Franchise (the first Dallas loss The Ford has ever seen in person), The Ford's just gonna highlight that he's not the only Ford who digs the Stars.

Wait, that came out wrong. Somehow.

Um, yeah, anyhow, The Ford's favorite position player of all time apparently is working on a few different positions in his spare time with Ms. Ford.

Probably best that you take her off the market, to avoid any confusion between The Willa and The Ford.

For example, here's the quick facts on The Willa, thanks to our non-existent friends at
  • Ranked No. 60 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women In The World" (2002)
  • Formerly linked to Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, and Dallas Stars center Mike Modano
  • Will be featured in the March 2006 edition of Playboy
  • QB for the Dallas Desire of the Lingerie Football League
Meanwhile, the quick facts on The Ford:
  • NOT ranked in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women In The World" (2002) (Also not a woman, so that might have just been a technicality...)
  • Formerly linked to, um, er... wow. It's not exactly a long list. Dang.
  • Will be likely be buying the March 2006 edition of Playboy, someday soon.
  • Would like to meet the Dallas Desire of the Lingerie Football League
So, there you have it, the major differences between The Willa and The Ford.

Just in case you were wondering.


At 3:00 PM, December 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's not even a *real* Ford! (And that's got nothing to do with the collagen or the salene...)

Check out her real name...

Ok, so it's Wikipedia. Sue me.

At 3:00 PM, December 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and is that much sideboob safe for work?


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