Friday, June 30, 2006

OK, The Ford vaguely remembers promising no more posts about The Official Hawaiian Vacation, but, well, he's got photos. Sort of.

He didn't take them, but instead relied on The Semi-Official Photographer. Which is why he got a photo that doesn't do much to dispel his myspace reputation as the Sasquatch of page designers -- much rumored, but never photographed clearly.

Eh, c'est la vie.

On the bright side, The Semi-Official Photographer also passed along a photo illustrating the luau/minstrel show The Ford attended Friday night.

Combined with the copious amounts of alcohol imbibed by The Ford at said luau, one could almost make the argument that The Ford was just at a really lame strip club.

But that argument would be really lame. Nevertheless, let's call this gal "Peaches" and say no more, shall we, dear reader?

At least, not while The Ford's still working off a night of drinking combined with a night of gyro eating. And a night of work.

And you thought The Ford couldn't multitask.



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