Sunday, September 17, 2006

Yes, there's semi-breaking news in The Fordland...

The Ford's gonna have a new mom.

OK, well, a new step-mom, at least.

Yes, it turns out that The Official Dad of The Official Blog has been courting a Russian Bride-ski. And, after several trips to Russia, finally sealed the deal with a marriage proposal late last week.

Truthfully, for once, The Ford is at a loss for words. He's happy for The Official Dad, but, at the same time, vaguely worried for his happiness a few years down the road.

Especially with courting photos like this...
What do we take from this?

Well, probably that The Ford gets his uncomfortableness in photos from The Official Dad's side of the family, and also that, should that be the case, well, The Official Russian Bride-ski, or "Elena" as The Official Dad calls her, should fit right in.

More breaking news: Official Russian Bride-ski has an 11-year-old daughter, meaning that soon, The Ford will have not only an Official Half-Sister (from The Official Dad's First Marriage), but will soon add an Official Step-Sister.

God help her entering The Official Family of The Official Blog of The Ford.

She'll need it.

This can't end well, can it?


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