Catching up on the blog vacation....
Sunday: Saw The Official NFL Team steal one from the Lions. Pretty good game, and solid seats to bot, thanks to an inside connection. Just one thing... how does The Ford always end up in the same row at road games -- no matter the sport -- with the SUPER FAN who annoys everyone in the section, regardless of their rooting interest. 'Cause, y'know, it's cool to be hyped up and all, but a 3-yard gain by Shaun Alexander just isn't that exciting.
Also, The Ford feels bad for all the Lions fans who've shelled out the dough for Harrington and C. Rogers jerseys. Ouch. This is a major reason why The Ford is still without a 'Hawks jersey. He just can't bring himself to commit to a player who'll likely be leaving him before too long. In this way, the search for a jersey mimics the search for The Official Gal.
Tuesday: Sat through some semi-decent rain to watch Carlos "The Iron Lung" Guillen destroy the Rangers. Good times. The Ford can't quite decide who should be fired first, GM Bavasi, for dealing Guillen for RAMON FREAKIN' SANTIAGO, or Mike Hargrove, just on general principle. The Ford's rooting for both.
Tuesday was also a night for phrases. For example, if only a famous physics thought experiment had been "schroedinger's breasts," and not "schroedinger's cat," there'd probably be a thriving generation for quantum physicists coming of age right now. (Yeah, there's probably a cat/pussy joke in there, but The Ford's gonna steer clear.)
Also, The Ford was told by several women that he is very classy. Classy. No idea what that means.
Classy is becoming perhaps the most meaningless compliment in the English language. Unless Ron Burgundy is involved.
Thus Classy-fieth The Ford.
Dude, I think Shaun Alexander is locked in for the rest of his (meaningful) career. Can't go wrong there -- unless the Clerks reference gets to you.
Indeed, Shaun Alexander would be the safe pick for a sweater, save that The Ford is hard-pressed to think of a player less similar to himself in personality/demeanor/ability level. Obviously, The Ford needs a player who is too big for his position, displays poor fundamentals, and is always punctual. Someone like, um, oy, Jerramy Stevens. Damn Huskies.
Dude, I think this one would work (pick any number you want)...
I long ago vowed never to waer a jersey with my name on it. Unless, y'know, I was wearing a Lew Ford Twins jersey. Which might get me killed in Detroit...
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