Detroit is getting an MISL franchise? Wooooo.
Man, The Ford used to love the MISL's Tacoma Stars, back when there was no pretender to the soccer throne named MLS.
In fact, he's still got a ball autographed by all the 92-93 Stars. Good guys, especially Preki.
Of course, that team is no more; the MISL has shrunk to a 7-team, centrally-owned league, with franchises in Stockton, Calif.; Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee and Kansas City.
In fact, the K.C. franchise even has its own cheer squad, the Galaxy Girls.

What's that?
K.C.'s team is inactive because they don't have a place to play?
I think the KC cheerleaders are hotter than the STL cheerleaders
But that's the only thing KC's done better than us.
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