Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Yes, The Ford's moving closer and closer to this century, and adding video to The Official Blog.

Mmm, hockey and beauty pageants.

There's probably something wrong with this, but for the time being, The Ford feels the need to point out this video.

Partially for the creepiness of exalting all Asian women to the tune of Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely."

Partially for the question that leaps to The Ford's mind: Sure, being Miss Asia beats being lowly Miss Vietnam, but if Miss India goes on to win Miss Universe (a faint possibility, should Miss India ever lose the big-as-a-redneck-woman hair), does she outrank Miss Asia.

And also, why is Miss Universe between a crap load of countries?

Leaving aside the general lack of otherwordly life waiting to enter the pageant, why not have run-off pageants to produce the champions of the seven continents, and then let THEM compete for the title of Miss Universe.

It's not like this is the NHL playoffs. Let's whittle things down a bit. (But only if the battle to be Miss Antartica is broadcast on pay-per-view, cause The Ford has the feeling that that could get mighty hot.)


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